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중국어 작문 공부 - 성과평가

by 펄오팔 2022. 3. 13.

这个星期,我感觉太累了, 因为从上周我需要做绩效评估。

I feel tired this week, having to go through performance review from last week. 


Performance review has 3 parts.


First, we have to wirte about our key outputs.

比如, 去年 多少新功能上线 或者 哪些产品正在受全球好评。

For example, how many new features went live last year, so what product received globally positive review?

然后, 根据我们写什么,我们需要评估自己的产出。

Then based on what we wrote, we have to give self-assessment.


If our team launched new features, how was the feedback?


Good? very good? What type of users say what kind of feedback?

最后, 我们需要评估其他人。 我们读一读其他人自己的关键产出 而且给他们反馈。 

Last, we have to review other people. We have to read other's key outputs and give them feedback.  


This is called 360 degree review.


I finished 15 360 reviews.


Despite I couldn't do my normal work I had to spend long ours doing performance reviews.


Glad that it is done.


绩效评估 Jīxiào pínggū Performane review
首先 Shǒuxiān 우선
部分 Bùfèn 부분 part
关键产出 Guānjiàn chǎnchū key outputs 
上线 shàngxiàn go live

用户 Yònghù 사용자

产品化 Chǎnpǐn huà 상품화
全球 Quánqiú global
피드백: feedback  反馈 fǎnkuì. 回馈 huíkuì (give back - positive).
审查 Shěnchá review
结束 Jiéshù finish
尽管 despite Jǐnguǎn