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중국어 작문 공부 - IT 커리어 문제

by 펄오팔 2022. 2. 12.

It was a busy week.
I worked on IT problems with a Beijing engineer.
After troubleshooting, we chat about IT career in China.
他说了北京的 IT工程师平均年龄是 三十三岁, 然后我们北京公司的工程师平均年龄是二十七岁。
He said that the average age of IT engineers in Beijing is 33 years old, and then the average age of engineers in our company's Beijing office is 27 years old.
他说他无法想象 三十五岁以后的自己。
He said he can't imagine himself after 35.
他想升职然后 搬到伦敦 或 新加坡。
He is planning to relocate to London or Singapore after his promotion.
虽然 伦敦或新加坡也很忙,中国比伦敦或新加坡工作时间更长!
Even though London or Singapore are also busy, China works longer hours than them!

解决 Jiějué - Solve
升职 Shēng zhí - Promotion
搬到 bān dào - Move to
职业 Zhíyè - Profession
平均年龄 Píngjūn niánlíng - Average Age