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중국어 작문 공부 - Everything Everywhere All At Once 因为’杨紫琼‘主演,这部新电影叫《瞬息全宇宙》变很有名。 Due to the main star 'Michelle Yeoh', the new film is called "All Universe in a Moment(Everything Everywhere All At Once)" became famous. 我听大家喜欢《瞬息全宇宙》,所以我最近来看了这部电影。 I've heard everyone liked "The Universe in a Moment ", so I recently watched the movie. 我看网上有些人说 “华二代跟《瞬息全宇宙》很有共鸣,孩子们哭得稀里哗啦的“。 I read some people on the Internet say, "The second Asian generation resonat.. 2022. 6. 15.
중국어 작문 공부 - 성과평가 这个星期,我感觉太累了, 因为从上周我需要做绩效评估。 I feel tired this week, having to go through performance review from last week. 绩效评估有三个部分。 Performance review has 3 parts. 首先,我们需要写我们的最重要的关键产出。 First, we have to wirte about our key outputs. 比如, 去年 多少新功能上线 或者 哪些产品正在受全球好评。 For example, how many new features went live last year, so what product received globally positive review? 然后, 根据我们写什么,我们需要评估自己的产出。 Then based on wh.. 2022. 3. 13.
중국어 장문 공부 - 이직의 이유 我觉得在工作选择中两个最重要的方面是 钱还有是否这个工作有意思。 There are 2 most importants factors for changing jobs, whether it pays enough and whether the job is interesting. 这个星期我在思考为什么我换工作。 This week I was thinking why I changed my jobs in the past. 1) 工作变得没有挑战性 1) The work became boring 2) 工作变得没有挑战性 而且薪水不够 2) The work became boring and not (even) paying enough 或者 or 3)就算工作很有挑战性,很有意思 但是薪水不够,我也会换工作。 3) The work is challan.. 2022. 2. 23.
중국어 작문 공부 - IT 커리어 문제 上个星期我们上班很忙。 It was a busy week. 我和北京的工程师解决了IT问题。 I worked on IT problems with a Beijing engineer. 解决了问题以后,我们聊天关于中国的IT职业问题。 After troubleshooting, we chat about IT career in China. 他说了北京的 IT工程师平均年龄是 三十三岁, 然后我们北京公司的工程师平均年龄是二十七岁。 He said that the average age of IT engineers in Beijing is 33 years old, and then the average age of engineers in our company's Beijing office is 27 years old. 他说他无法想象 三十五.. 2022. 2. 12.
중국어 작문 공부 - 춘절 新年快乐。 Happy new year. 因为一下周是春节,所以 我公司北京的团队放假了 。 虽然这是春节假期,非中国团队必须工作,但是可能需要北京工程师的帮助。 Since last week was Spring Break, our Beijing team took holiday time. Eventhough it is Spring Break, the usual team needs to work through and may require Beijing team's assistance. 北京团队 发行了 春节假期 的值班日程。 Beijing team published holiday work schedule. 在上周的一次开会上, 我和一位工程师聊了聊关于春节。 In a meeting this week, I spoke with one.. 2022. 2. 9.